Sales and the Gift of Gab – the twenty percenter

“If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
– Dale Carnegie

Sales and the Gift of Gab

Gary, Jason, and I had our pre-interview chat with Phil M. Jones this week. Jones is the bestselling author of Exactly What to Say and will be delivering a keynote at Mega Agent Camp later this month. If you’re coming, you’re in for a treat. Our conversation got me musing about how achieving sales success and initiating sales conversations go hand-in-hand.

When I was a grad student in New York City, I found the dating scene intimidating. Meeting new people often required approaching strangers in crowded parties or bars. Observing from a safe corner, I assumed everyone had the gift of gab and I didn’t. Did I mention I’m a tad introverted?

I remember a pivotal conversation with my roommate, Andy. “I feel like everyone has a joke up their sleeve, something clever to say. How do you do that? I have no idea.” Andy assured me this was nonsense. “Just be you. If you want to meet someone, just go up and say, ‘Hi, I’m Jay. What’s your name?’” This struck me as way too simple to be true. Still, that weekend I gave it a try.

We were playing pickup soccer at Hudson River Park. A jogger seemed to be watching us play. Andy helpfully kicked an errant pass nearby. I retrieved the ball and blurted, “Hi, my name’s Jay, what’s yours?” By the time I left the park, we’d exchanged numbers and arranged dinner. This isn’t a love story. We just went on a couple of dates. It’s a sales story about how knowing what to say can make fear go away. Ever since, I’ve been unafraid to approach strangers. I knew what to say.

Starting the conversation is the hard part. Once it gets started, anything can happen.

Sales is a contact sport. Real estate sales is no different. Conversations with potential and past clients lead to discovery. They reveal real estate questions we can answer, problems we can solve, and needs we can fulfill. Conversations uncover motivation. While fear can keep you from having conversations, when you know what to say, fear goes away.

The best real estate sales professionals practice their dialogues and conversations daily. They understand that practice produces confidence, confidence leads to conversations, and conversations create sales.

One question to ponder in your thinking time: How can I become fearless with my real estate conversations?

Make an Impact!
Jay PapasanCo-author of The One Thing & The Millionaire Real Estate Agent


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